Tuesday, 1 November 2011

CIRC-11: Relays

Use the relay to light up 2 LEDs in a simple sequence

•1 x Arduino Uno
•1 x Breadboard
•14 x Wire
•1 x 1N4001
•1 x Transistor
•1 x Relay DPDT
•1 x 560 Ohm Resistor
•1 x 2.2k Ohm Resistor
•2 x LED


Program Details: 
There's no new content in the code compared to the other labs

Time to Complete: 
 15 minutes

The relay used was different than the one on the breadboard sheet, a few wires had to be moved to get one of the LEDs into the circuit. After moving the wires, the relay would perform a constant clicking sound and light up the LEDs one at a time.

Photos of Project: 

Check to see if the relay is the same as the one in the breadboard sheet.

Further Work:
Instead of LEDs, we can use motors.

Program Modifications:
The program is exactly the one from http://www.oomlout.com/a/products/ardx/circ-11

int ledPin =  2;    // pin that the LED is connected to

void setup()  
    pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);    //initializes pin 2 as an output

void loop()                    //Continuously runs
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);   // set the state of ledPin to high(on)
  delay(1000);                  // delay for 1000ms
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);    // set the state of ledPin to low(off)
  delay(1000);                  // delay for 1000ms

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